Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Win Win


“Win Win” is a heartwarming comedy from writer-director Tom McCarthy (“The Station Agent” and “The Visitor”) starring Paul Giamatti, Amy Ryan, and newcomer Alex Shaffer.
Mike Flaherty (Giamatti), a struggling lawyer trying to make ends meet, grabs a moneymaking opportunity by becoming the guardian of one of his clients. When the runaway grandson of the client (Shaffer) shows-up on grandpa’s doorstep, life changes for the Flaherty family.
Amy Ryan turns in an excellent performance…and Bobby Cannavale (“The Station Agent and “Will and Grace”), as Flaherty’s best friend, adds some fun.

The best film I've seen in 2011!
This independent film isn’t getting the “BUZZ” it deserves.

Rated R
1 hr. 46 min.

Visit the official website and watch the trailer!

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